GoPets is NoGoPets!

As mentioned, I accepted a job in October. The job was working for a computer game company called GoPets. (You can see their website at I was very excited about this position, as the man I would be working for was a very smart, educated person that firmly believed in a work/life balance. He was trying to implement many of the ideas found in the Jim Collins books, and had this genuine desire to take care of his employees. Unfortunately, last Wednesday I received an email that said:

Well, I have bad news. The rug was pulled out from underneath me; as a result promises that I made in good faith are going to be broken. I’m not going to have a job for you until January at the earliest and possibly not at all....while I hope to get the chance to work with you, your life would be better if you found something else before then.

Sad. So I'm back on the market for now. Though I still hope it works out somehow at GoPets.

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