Our Story: Summery

For those of you who know either myself (Brandon Weaver) or Desiree (formally Desiree Wohlert), let me begin by saying that this has been a very busy year for us. We have been running the gauntlet since January.

In summery, we realized we had a rare friendship, the soul level kind—the kind that great marriages are based on. So this past January we started "officially" dating. Neither of us is the type to take things lightly so about March we took the premarriage class at our church and began the counseling to really consider if we should take the next step toward marriage. In June Dez received a letter saying she had been accepted to the Masters of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care program at the Institute for Spiritual Formation at Biola University in Los Angeles.

We were faced with some very big decisions. We weighed our options and got a lot of counsel from many different people, and after much prayer and seeking of God we decided to get married and move to Los Angeles. Even harder than the decision was the execution, however, as we faced many trials along the way, not the least of which was the short amount of time between our decision and our wedding and the immediate cross-country move afterwards.

August was "crunch" month: we got married on the 13th, left for L.A. on the 17th, arrived on the 20th, and Dez started classes on the 24th. September was pretty much "crash" month. I accepted a job in October, and will start in November. In the meantime, I've been working on some freelance gigs I've picked up from Craig's List and else where.

We've spent a lot of time connecting with each other, with ourselves, and with God. We've spent some time exploring this massive city we now live in, and a lot of time just recovering from a very busy year.

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